When I created this website, I thought it might be a nice cosy corner of the internet to keep track of whats on my mind creatively and photographically. Well- its March and just getting to it now. So keeping to a monthly writing goal may prove to be a challenge. Jan was cold. Very cold. So I shot indoors. Nope, no artsy shots of the ice castles at the Forks. Sorry folks. I pulled out my softboxes and blinded my children and my cat. And I read. I studied the works of Andreas Gursky. Beautiful! Now I really, really want to get hold of a drone and try some aerial photography..summer goals. Of the thousands of images I shot, I think I can easily edit it down to 2 images I like the best from this month. The first will have every mom nodding in agreement. The second image is because the words “kick-ass” and “childrens portraiture” are so rarely used in the same sentence, but in this case it works.